VSE, or Visionary Software Engineers

Posted on Nov 18, 2022

Because they talk about a product, not a project.

Because they defend the product and its guidelines.

And a well designed product shows a clear hand, from each angle you look at it.

Because they inspire the others to do the same.

Because they see the product under client hands, working as designed. Bringing value.

Because they are Visionary Software Engineers.

Why this post?

It’s more than 10 years I’m around the Software Engineer world.

I met too many SWE.

I joined several meetings, listening to the client describing its needs.

I reviewed a lot of PRs from brilliant engineers.

And I saw a huge lack of vision in the majority of them.

Designing applications without truly understanding the world around is useless.

Software is there to support the real world.

Be a visionary before putting the hands on the keyboard.

Imagine. And then, code.