Js is Weird

Posted on Jul 2, 2021

You know few weeks ago I subscribed to JavaScript Weekly and today I received the last issue. That one included an interesting point named “Js is Weird”, which brought me to a quiz on JavaScript. The initial disclaimer reported these words.

JavaScript is a great programming language, but thanks to the fact that its initial release was built in only ten days back in 1995, coupled with the fact that JS is backward-compatible, it’s also a bit weird. It doesn’t always behave the way you might think. In this quiz, you’ll be shown 25 quirky expressions and will have to guess the output. Even if you’re a JS developer, most of this syntax is probably, and hopefully, not something you use in your daily life.

So I decided to take the challenge and check the outcome. It took me few minutes to complete and in the end I got 18/25. After looking at what was wrong, I discovered that the questions are based on this repo. That’s a great collection of cool things to know!