2021 in a retrospective

Posted on Dec 31, 2021

Spiaggiabella - Lecce - Italy

Last hours of the year. Time to reflect on these months.

I learnt a lot of things in 2021. That’s really important: you’ve to move if you want to move on.

If things change - hopefully in the right direction - then you’re doing a good job.

The family is growing and our baby is moving his first steps in these days!

But we lost some others.

Now it’s time to keep pushing on the good things who lived before us teached to us. It’s our time.

On the work side, I closed an important chapter of my career: it seems that I had a huge impact on the project I was working on. I received a lot of messages in my last day there: I’ll miss all the beautiful people I worked with. But it’s time to move on!

Okay, said that: what didn’t go well? In terms of habits,

  1. My breakfast is not always the best. Still some work here.
  2. I’m not able to wake up at 5 AM on each and every day. But is this really needed?
  3. Very few run sessions this years. This must change.
  4. Many other minor things…

But now it’time to look forward for new challenges - ciao 2021, welcome 2022!

I took the picture on the top yesterday in Spiaggiabella - Lecce - Italy.