Creative. Problem solver. Perfectionist. Coder since 8 yo. Always on the run!

Js is Weird

You know few weeks ago I subscribed to JavaScript Weekly and today I received the last issue. That one included an interesting point named “Js is Weird”, which brought me to a quiz on JavaScript. The initial disclaimer reported these words. JavaScript is a great programming language, but thanks to the fact that its initial release was built in only ten days back in 1995, coupled with the fact that JS is backward-compatible, it’s also a bit weird.…
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Sharing complex form logic in Angular

There’s an Angular application which works with the same form structure on different layouts. Let’s think about a possible wizard, build on a stepper which asks all information while walking the user from step to step. But there’s also another scenario, where the user will work with the entire form in a single page. In enterprise application where forms are composed from several inputs these are common use-cases. Well, dealing with that kind of scenario is not so easy.…
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Always on the run

JavaScript world is constantly evolving. After years on searching, I think I’ve found the right newsletter to subscribe to. It’s JavaScript Weekly! In these years I tried different newsletters. I’m used to keep their mails unread, until I’ve the time to properly focus and pay the right attention to the content. Many of them resulted to be disturbing, with a lot of unuseful content. That’s not true to JavaScript Weekly, which seems to be the right choice!…
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