Creative. Problem solver. Perfectionist. Coder since 8 yo. Always on the run!

From nvm to fnm!

I’m playing around with my new M2 Pro-powered MacBook. I was between two decisions: migrating from my previous Mac, or going with a fresh install. I’m moving from an 16" MacBook Pro with an Intel Core i7, which is running an operating system migrated 3 years ago from a MacBook Air I was using while travelling. Maybe it’s time to start with a fresh setup, given also the quite different architecture of the two laptops.…
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Chrome, without security

A quick reminder on how to run Google Chrome without security checks. open -n -a /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome-dev" --disable-site-isolation-trials --disable-web-security …
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VSE, or Visionary Software Engineers

Because they talk about a product, not a project. Because they defend the product and its guidelines. And a well designed product shows a clear hand, from each angle you look at it. Because they inspire the others to do the same. Because they see the product under client hands, working as designed. Bringing value. Because they are Visionary Software Engineers. Why this post? It’s more than 10 years I’m around the Software Engineer world.…
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